So I based my choice on today's cool weather. Maybe it's a sign that fall's right around the corner, maybe the odds are that August has at least one temperate day, who knows. But I was drawn to the richness of this wedding. I often post casual, home grown, organic weddings, but figured hey, let's class this joint up for a little bit.
Meet Jessica and her bridesmaids. Jessica married Jason in Louisville, KY this summer. Jessica is drop dead, cover your boyfriend's eyes gorgeous. Her bridesmaids look awesome in their mismatched yet coordinating dresses. Pheasant feathers in the bouquets? You bet. I said classy, didn't I?
If you want to see more, click here. And don't blame me when you're up until 1 am examining every detail in Todd's photos. You've been warned.
oh WOW, I'm in LOVE with this wedding!! The details are just perfection. I love the almost vintage feel it has, without it being heavy handed. The bridesmaid dresses are perfection, and the bride's gown..... wow!!! Great photos, and the bride did a BEAUTIFUL job on the concept and all the details!!